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Flutter App Development: Definition, Features, Benefits

Flutter App Development definition, features, benefits

What Is Flutter and Who Is It For?

If you want to reach more people via mobile, there’s no better way to do it than with an application. An engaging and user-friendly app that satisfies the customers’ needs may it be entertaining, shopping, or food delivery is a key to success in the modern mobile world. Flutter is the technology that becomes handy for those looking for hassle-free mobile app development. So what exactly Flutter is?

Flutter is a cross-platform app development technology for creating apps for use on mobiles, desktops, and web platforms released by Google in 2017. The main advantage of Flutter is the ability to reuse most of the initial code on multiple platforms which can reduce the time and budget significantly.

Even though Flutter seems to focus only on the needs of programmers by speeding up the development of the app and reducing the cost and complexity of app production, designers and engineering managers would also appreciate Flutter. For designers, it’s a canvas for a high-end user experience. Engineering managers and businesses will appreciate the opportunity to unification of app developers into one team and the synchronization of release schedules across the entire user base.

Top Features Of Flutter

Unlike other popular app development solutions, Flutter is not only a framework or a library, it’s a complete SDK — a software development kit giving you all necessary for software development. Everything you need to build a cross-platform application is already gathered in Flutter. Among the exciting features of Flutter, we distinguish the following:

Hot Reload: get numerous widgets and function in a dynamic interface with a hot reload feature.

App development with only one codebase: Flutter allows app development for main platforms like Android and IOS with one codebase.

Flutter Doctor: report bugs fast so the developers can shoot them immediately.

The RAM code: the RAM code makes Flutter perfect for start-ups and tech firms.

GPU rendering UI: a necessity when it comes to developing apps enriched with design solutions.

Benefits of Programming With Flutter

When it comes to app development, programmers are not limited to one cross-platform technology. In fact, in 2021 Flutter is reported to be the most popular cross-platform framework used by 42% of global developers. Want to know what makes it a top choice among programmers worldwide? Major reasons are presented below:

Simple To Learn And Use

Flutter is modern technology and you can feel it as you go. It’s much simpler to develop apps with Flutter especially in comparison to frameworks like React Native and Swift. Even if you never liked app development, Flutter’s ease of use can change your opinion.

Perfect For MVP

Whether your business is only gaining pace or you simply need a basic app version to present it to investors, Flutter is your best choice. This goes for the MVP principles that require nominal cost and limited time and effort for Flutter app development.

Quicker Applications

Apps based on SDK excel in functionality. They work flawlessly and with great speed without hanging while cutting and scrolling. Developers and users will love that.

Faster Time To Market

Another argument to focus on Flutter for mobile app development is that programmers can deliver the final product to the market faster. The reason for that is pretty straightforward. You don’t need to write a bunch of platform-specific codes to achieve the desired visuals in your application.

Uses Google As Its Backbone

Flutter is an incredible SDK by Google. This means that Google ensured to provide an ultimate UX and build a technology that would satisfy both developers and organizations. Besides, since Google itself is the biggest user of this technology, rest assured Flutter will have instant and comprehensive support.

Supportive Community

Regarding the relatively short time on the market, you may assume Flutter is lacking community support. In fact, Flutter has a robust community that is growing rapidly. There are numerous places to exchange experience on Flutter or ask for a piece of advice from experienced Flutter developers.

Hire Flutter Developers From Rexsoft

There’s no point in looking any further if you stumble upon the true gems of their craft in everything that concerns Flutter development. Programmers from Flutter app development agency RexSoft are actively mastering their expertise in order to create high-quality and competitive applications for their users. Don’t hesitate to bring your ideas and Rexsoft will implement them.