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Ways to Integrate Technology into Water Play

Ways to Integrate Technology into Water Play

Water and electronics may not mesh well together, but technology can still play an important role when it comes to water play. Here are five ways to integrate tech into a water park business or when you’re just planning to build one in your back yard.

Buying Them Online

All the things you need can be bought online, including water play equipment from reputable manufacturers. Your smartphone can open a shopping app or website, and you can order there and have the items delivered to your doorstep.

Sensors for Safety

Overflow and flood sensors are just a few devices that can be integrated into your water park. These sensors will show an alert or simply stop the water mechanism as a safety precaution. Doing this can prevent accidents and unfortunate incidents from happening.

Smart Hose

A smart hose can control the flow and volume of water into a swimming pool, for example, to keep it from overflowing. Smart devices and water play items work well together- just make sure they’re connected to the same wi-fi network. The faucet can be replaced with a smart one or a pipe for larger water play structures like a splash pad.

Controllable via App

Apps are a form of technology that can help people in a variety of ways. An app for controlling a smart hose is an example. As long as the smart device is connected and online, you can shut it off or activate it even when you’re not at home.

Research for Less Waste and Energy Consumption

Environmental-conscious individuals can do research on the internet and find out about the latest energy-saving devices. Recycled materials, carbon-neutral structures, and energy-efficient water play appliances can make a significant difference in reducing your carbon footprint. Less waste and energy consumption equals a better world for everyone.